Wednesday, February 26, 2014

How much social networking can you stand?

This entire post started when I had spent several hours trolling multiple social networking sites and came across this post from G+.

Are you a Facebook flunky, a LinkedIn loser (sorry +John Mark Troyer ), a Twitter twit, or a Google geek?  Or perhaps you're into one of the other seemingly 20 other apps, gadgets or web sites that NEED our attention.  I actually took a week off from what I'd call "active social time".  To understand what I did, we'd need to define such a feat.  I define "active social time" as sitting in front of my screen of my choice, whether that's a computer, tablet or phone. (let's not discuss a phablet at this time)  Of course I would have the occasional post from my wife or one of my children saying that they did this or liked this, and I would look at it, like it and move on.  I'm talking about actively engaging in watching the screen.  I actually spent some time earlier this year with Google+ and Tweetdeck (twitter) open all the time and "watched the streams".  But for that one week, I left both alone and sat in darkness.  Was it difficult?  At first it was.  I actually caught myself reaching for my phone and decided to put it back down even though it felt weird to do so.

After a week did I jump back on and go nuts trying to catch up on everything?  I think that would have been impossible at best.  Did I miss anything important?  I suppose I'll never really know.

What about you?  What feed source do you follow?